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Veterans Day Grateful and Blessed With Patriotic Stars

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Price: $3.89 each

Title: Veterans Day Grateful and Blessed With Patriotic Stars

Inside: Thanks to the brave service men and women who have served our country so selflessly. We are truly grateful and blessed by your sacrifice, dedication and commitment. On Veterans Day we honor you, our heroes.

Product ID: 1780838

Availability: In Stock - Ships the next business day

Artist Notes: The front of the card features a deep blue background, symbolizing the significance of Veterans Day. Three stars shine prominently in red, white, and blue, representing the patriotic colors of the United States. Under each star, the following words are elegantly written: "Thankful" - Expressing gratitude for the selfless dedication and sacrifices made by our service men and women. "Grateful" - Conveying deep appreciation for their unwavering commitment to protecting our freedoms. "Blessed" - Recognizing the fortunate position we are in due to the bravery and sacrifices of our veterans

Card Size: 7x5 Inches

Card Artist: Sandra Rose Designs

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